Monday, September 29, 2008

Modern Day Technology

Technology and Leadership

Well, it was great to be able to listen to everyone this evening. Those of us in San Luis Obispo figured out the blogging technology this evening while we were waiting for our video conferencing unit to work. We constructed our own knowledge on blogging (technology and constructivism). I am very interested in learning how superintendents use technology in this manner and how this may influence an organizations use or non-use of modern day technologies. As my fellow classmates are aware, my studies focus on the superintendent and instructional leadership - more specifically what organizational behaviors are used by superintendents to make instructional improvements (gains in student achievement) in school districts that have not been labeled academically successful in the past. It would be interesting to study how district leadership and support influence student outcomes and use of technology in the district.

Back to the subject of modern day technology and always maintaining a sense of humor.

The following video is an example of an innovative modern day technology in the automobile industry:

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